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The Importance Of Corporate Culture

By March 10, 2022Article
The Importance Of Corporate Culture

Just what is “corporate culture”? Corporate culture can be defined as a collection of uniform and enduring beliefs, customs, traditions and practices shared and continued by employees of a corporation. These shared beliefs define an organization’s fundamental characteristics and create an attitude that distinguishes it from all others.

But why is corporate culture so important? Research has suggested that understanding corporate culture as a management philosophy is essential to managing an organization in improving its overall performance. Findings also indicate that corporate culture had an integral effect on employee performance. A 10 years worth of data from Queen’s University Center for Business Venturing (Pontefract in Forbes, 2017) on employee engagement shows that organizations with good culture produce:

65% increase in stock price

26% decrease in employee turnover

100% increase in the number of job applications that come in

20% reduction in absenteeism

15% increase in productivity

30% increase in customer satisfaction rate

The results show that corporate culture is important in motivating employees to be committed to their organization, which is why an organization needs to be aware of the importance of it in order to provide a favorable working environment to its employees and attain their full commitment for organizational success. 


ACT Consulting

ASSE Foundation Research

European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences  

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