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What We Do

Personalized Leadership & Professional Development

A leadership program is tailored to align with your industry and incorporates
industry-specific case studies and real-world-job examples (Customize and Co-creation).

3.0 Leadership

  • We provide an Executive Education that is aimed at developing leaders from within the company.
  • Aligning cultural development with leadership development.
  • Developing the human dimension with a holistic approach that combines skillset, mindset, and soulset.
  • Optimizing Leadership DNA as a leader’s identity.
  • Integrating personal leadership, team leadership, and organizational leadership.
  • Sustainable and comprehensive program.
  • Customizable based on client’s needs.

Our Success Stories

Program BHLP dari ACT Consulting Dirasa Impactful Bagi Pimpinan Level Manager, Superintendent and Dept Head PT Indo Tambangraya Megah

ACT Consulting Support Officer Development Program Bank BTN dengan Mengusung Modul Values Based Leadership

Seru! Tengok Para BOD BOC Retreat PT. Angkasa Pura Logistics dari ACT Consulting

Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Bertajuk Leadership in Action untuk Para Manager di PT. Temas dipandu dan difasilitasi oleh ACT Consulting

Moment BoD dan BoC Retreat PT KAI dari ACT Consulting 

Ambidextrous Leadership “Keystone of The Undisruptable CEO”

Ambidextrous Leadership “Keystone of The Undisruptable CEO”

Our Experts

DR. (H.C.) Ary Ginanjar Agustian
Founder ACT Consulting

Putri Pamela, BA, MS.
Managing Partner

Ir. Yuli Purwanti, M.M
Culture Transformation Expert

Dwitya Agustina, S.T., MBA
Culture Transformation Expert

Yusran Rendi, M.I. Kom
Personal Transformation &
Module Development Expert

Datuk Farida Hanim Haron
Transformation Expert

Bintarti Widayanti
Leadership Program


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